Indie Podcast Training

Amplify marginalized and silenced voices around the world - one talk at a time

better conversations

Let's jump right in.First, one of our primary goals is to we help you excel at the art of facilitating a particular kind of conversation - the ones that center on stuff that most of us don't talk much about or aren't very good at when we do.We call them core conversations.For me, it's been having hundreds of no b.s. conversations with suicide attempt survivors every week for more than four years on the Suicide Noted podcast, mainly to help more people in more places feel a little less shitty and a little less alone. This also means I've got potential guests for you from the get go.

That b.s. I referred to. It's everywhere, not just podcasts. And it usually gets in the way, or worse, just shuts people down.We're not about any of that. Just honest and raw conversations with people who want to talk about the hard stuff - their stuff.And people really do want to talk, but only if we...

  • Facilitate these conversations with care, curiosity and immense respect

  • Create the right kind of space so they can dive deep and get really honest

  • Treat them like grown ups who are the experts of their lived experience

Improving your facilitation skills is the first - and most critical - step. It's also the one most podcasters overlook.We get into all of this inside the training.If I can do it with one of the most taboo topics in the world, I'm betting you can do it with your niche topic.

step by step

Now that we've got those core convos rolling, we need to set things up!When I started in 2020, I had absolutely no idea how to create or produce a podcast. Two podcasts and 350 episodes later, I want to help you to get up and running (and keep running) without the overwhelm, confusion and isolation.More than 90% of podcasters never get past three episodes. Do it exactly the way I do it, at least to start out, and you won't be part of that statistic.Which means people around the world can actually hear these core conversations - done the right way.Again, it's all inside the training.

  • Recording on Zoom or Google Meets

  • Editing in Garage Band (Mac) or Audacity (PC)

  • Hosting with Red Circle

  • Creative in Canva

  • Memberships via Supercast

Almost everything I use is free - and more than good enough to create a great podcast. There is absolutely no need to spend a lot of money! (and if you already use other platforms, all good).

I started working with Sean in late September. The first episode of my new podcast was published in early October and I'm now working on episode 5 in mid December. Sean has helped me in every way imaginable. Zero chance this is happening without him.Elizabeth Spring, Resiliency Reconsidered Podcast

hands on hard core

We keep things simple - no bells or whistles or fancy fluff.

  • One-on-One Coaching so you can get immediate and personalized feedback

  • Over Shoulder Learning so you can apply quickly and get your first episodes up ASAP

  • Ongoing Support so you can get any questions answered lickity split

how much?

All of the Noted Network's programs are sliding scale.

What's the catch?No catch. I want to make this new training available to anyone who has the heart and grit to help amplify marginalized and silenced voices around the world.If you aren't sure what works for you, the suggested investment is $800.But you choose! Seriously.And all of this includes a guarantee - if you're not satisfied, I'll refund every penny - because I want to take away any possible fear on your end and I also have no doubt you'll be super satisfied.That said, please make sure that this is the right time and you are willing to roll your sleeves up and get to work.

When I thought about doing a podcast I immediately thought of Sean. His expertise in this area blended with his art and passion to teach helped take me to a place of overwhelm to now a podcast of 25 episodes. This will be a gift to yourself AND your future audience!Helene Laurie Shute

If you have a question, please reach out below.If you want to listen to an episode of the Suicide Noted podcast to gauge if I'm the real deal or the kind of person you'd like to work with.If you want to get started please click the link below, which will take you to our calendar where you can schedule our first meeting then check out that sliding scale.

quick faqs

What kind of experience or qualifications do I need? None. You need to have a real desire to help people, be willing to learn with us and want to create your own niche podcast centered on talking with people about their lived experience(s).What extra costs are involved? Technically, nothing. You need a device (computer or phone) to record and edit, and ideally an external microphone.What if I only want help creating a podcast or only help with facilitation skills? I'm happy to work with you but we should talk first to ensure we are good fit right now.What does all of this not include? We do not offer support with sound engineering beyond the basics. Also, this training is not about viral marketing, getting a gazillion listeners or making millions of dollars.How can I trust you? Fair question. More than a podcaster, I've been a teacher for almost 30 years. Also, there's zero risk with our guarantee. And check out our reviews on Apple! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

+1 919.904.0265
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